Monday, November 5, 2007

Muslim prisoners sue for millions after being offered ham sandwiches

A printing error caused the ham-sandwich listing in a prison during Ramadan and now they are suing. Several things come to my mind. First of all there were other options on the menu to chose from. I myself have dietary restrictions and am exposed to things all the time that I am unable to eat. I just deal with it. The second thing that comes to mind is that if you read the article you will see that some of the muslims decided to eat the ham anyway. If this is the case, then there committment to not eat port couldn't have been that serious if they couldn't get thru one skipped meal. I do not feel this fight is for equal rights or religious tolerance, instead I believe these people are trying to manipulate the system and take as much as they can. They want more than equal rights, they want an elevated status above everyone else.

read more | digg story

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