Sunday, September 30, 2007

India's NAZI Collection

A new bedding line named NAZI, that uses two red swastikas against a black backround has many Jews (and Gentiles) furious. The bedding is being marketed in India and despite the name “NAZI” for the line and the fact that there are swatitkas on it, the dealer of this hair raising product claims that the “NAZI” stands for New Arrival Zone of India and has nothing to do with Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitic regime.

The bedspread is currently being sold in stores in Mumbai.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Search for Chester the Child Molester

The little girl known only as Madison, has been located and is reportedly safe with her mother in Las Vegas. The mother was allegedly unaware of the assault on her daughter. It is reported that on the video the little girl was emotionless as she was victimized with unspeakable sexual acts. Usually this act of dissociation happens after repeated abuse so personally I find it odd that no one knew anything was going on. I also find it strange that the mother waited so long before contacting the police to let them know that it was her daughter that were posting pictures of on the news each night.

The authorities continue to search for Chester Arthur Stiles who also uses the name “Chet”. Chester has been identified as the man who dirt-bag who was seen on the tape molesting the little girl who at the time was only 3 years old.
If you know anything about this dirt-bag, anything at all contact your local authorities.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Sex Tape Identities Revealed - Authorities need Your Help

The man on the recent sex tape, doing unspeakable things with a little girl, has been identified by the Nevada Police. Chester Arthur Stiles is wanted in connection to the tape. The young girl in the video is believed to be named Madison. The tape was found by 26 year old Darren Tuck who held onto the tape for 5-6 months before surrendering it to the police.

This young girl needs your help so if you have any information on the whereabouts of Chester Arthur Stiles contact the authorities immediately.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Concentration Camps - Never Again... Think Again

Since I was a young girl I was taught about the Holocaust and the horrors that happened to millions of people and I always wondered why the world sat by and watched. Now, I am afraid that this is happening again and I wasn’t even aware of it and I am fearful to know that I am living in a time where this can once again happen and the world is sitting by watching.

I came across an article last night on titled “Concentration camps hold a million people? Nearly 40 'detention' centers reported in North Korea”. I decided to click on it and read it and heard allegations of Christians being held in concentration camps in North Korea where they were being experimented on and killed. I read of a man being told to feed cabbages to about 50 women and after the women ate the cabbages they began screaming and spitting up blood. They then all died.

The article speaks of people being put in gas chambers while scientists take notes about their death. I finished reading the article and half believing said to myself “nah, this can’t be true”. The article stayed with me and just a while ago I decided to do a google search of “North Korea Concentration Camps” and what followed has got me so confused I do not even know where to begin to process the confusion that is going on in my head.

To my shock I came across many more articles with similar allegations claiming that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il and his late father, Kim Il Sung are portrayed as Gods there and are eliminating Christians in these camps who are viewed as their biggest threats. To my disgust I learned that many of these articles go back years. Years that I was not even aware, years that the world has been sitting by while modern day concentration camps are once again gassing families, performing unspeaking human experimentation on people.

They are killing the babies that are born in the camps. Women are being forced to receive abortions by unlicensed doctors. Children are forced to work from early in the morning until late in the evening with very little, if any, food.

I feel sick. I feel powerless. The only thing I know to do at this very moment is to write this and share it with you. Something needs to be done.

Monday, September 24, 2007

No Gays in Iran

Ahmadinejad stated that there are no gays in Iran in his discussion at Columbian University today. In addition to that he said that in women in Iran are more free than anywhere in the world.

I'm not sure what to even say about that.

Im-in-a-jihad AKA Ahmadinejad

I must say that when I heard that Columbia University was allowing Ahmadinejad to speak at their school I was completely appalled. But after hearing Bollinger speak to him in the beginning I began to change my view. I admit it, I was quick to judge. Where else can someone tell him to his face that he is evil? Bollinger’s words to Ahmadinejad actually gave me goose bumps. Among many things he mentioned that the University has many Jewish students, along with over 800 alumni living currently in Israel. He then went on to say “Do you plan on whipping us off the map too”.

Another part of Bollinger’s message that I particularly enjoyed was when he said “I doubt that you will have the intellectual courage to answer these questions…”

But then Ahmadinejad came on. And now I remembered why I didn’t want this scumbag given a stage in our country.

He began his speech by saying that “I want to complain a little bit to the person who read this political statement against me. In Iran we allow our students to make their own judgment. When the students started applauding then I started getting grossed out.”

Pretty much everything from there on in was a crock.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

China and Russia Spying on the U.S.

Top US intelligence Mike McConnell was quoted recently stating "China and Russia's foreign intelligence services are among the most aggressive in collecting against sensitive and protected U.S. systems, facilities and development projects, and their efforts are approaching Cold War levels,"

Russia is claiming that these this statement is unjustified. McConnell also stated “ Foreign intelligence information concerning the plans, activities and intentions of foreign powers and their agents is critical to protect the nation and preserve our security. ”

We are approaching very dangerous times, and despite these facts the liberals want to prevent the government from protecting our country. They want it to make it difficult for our government to track these people who wish nothing else but to do us harm.

Schools Closed Due to Bomb Scares in 12 NJ Towns

Letters were sent out to the mayor in Emerson, NJ which warned that schools would be "blown out". Classes were canceled for 14,000 students. Some private schools decided to close as well.

If this is some sort of practical joke or was it some sort of test. It is also being reported that over the past couple months numerous threats having been coming into colleges and these threats have all been traced to a computer overseas.

Why the "Jena 6" March Confuses Me

All moring we have seen on the news people marching in protest and of the 6 black teens that were jailed for beating he heck out of a white teen to the point where he was unconscious. All morning I have heard people being interviewed saying they did not believe that these boys were being treated fairly and that they should not be in in jail.


OK... I am confused. We talk about equal justice. Well... If this had been the other way around, if there was a black teen that had been beated up by 6 white teens everyone would be then screeming that this was a hate crime and demanded that these boys be punished.

I just don't understand. From the outside, it appears that it is not equal justice that is being sought. It looks as though they (they being the people protesting) are looking for special treatment.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Improperly "Made in China"

First it was dog food, then toothpaste, then childrends toys, now its leukemia drugs. China has recalled tained leukemia drugs after reports of leg pains and other problems.

Despite the fact that their products are hazardous if not deadly, China is still acting like somehow they are a victim. In some caises they are actually blaming the media instead of looking at their failure and lack of concern for human lives and their pets.

It is frightening to think that we are living in a time where company profits outweigh the regard for human wellbeing.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Osama told to "Repent of his sins and convert to "Christianity" had a story today about an american television evangelist, Bill Keller, who senet an e-mail to Osam bin Laden telling him to "repent of his sins and covert to Christianity".

I actually thought this was a good idea. He communicates with us thru video (or at lest we believe it to be him) so why can't we say whats on our minds to him. I for one am sick of hearing how we should convert to Islam. I don't understand these people who say they are willing to die because we are supposinly living such sinful lives and they want to punish them. I would like to remind these people that the very same men who gave their lives in the name of Allah on 9/11, were seen frequenting strip-clubs just before flying the planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Bill Keller posted the message on YouTube as well as 20 other video sites in the US and allegedly 50 in the Middle East.

In the video, Keller tells Osama, "You live like a hunted goat in caves, totally dependent on a small group of people for your survival. At any moment, one of those you trust could betray you like Judas betrayed Jesus and your life would be over. The false prophet you follow, Mohammad, was poisoned to death by one of his wives."

Keller also says. "Islam is a 1,400-year-old lie that was born out of the voice of Satan – literally. Mohammad was correct when he stated it was Satan who initially spoke to him. He dreamed up his own god, Allah, a poor imitation of the God of the Bible, and inspired his own holy book, the Quran, a cheap imitation of the inspired, inerrant Word of God found in the Bible."
Keller calls bin Laden a "coward" and a "tool of Satan."

Sunday, September 2, 2007

3 Days to Annihilate Iran

I read an article on worldnetdaily today that said the Pentagon has already formulated a "three-day blitz" plan to annihilate Iran's military. This would include 1200 sites and complete take out their military.

It seems clear that Iran has no desire for peace. They want to destroy Israel. They have publicly admitted to this. They would love to see the US destroyed as well. There can be no negotiations with these people. They have a history of manipulation and game playing to buy them time.

Why allow them the time to become stronger and capable of causing more destruction.

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