Thursday, September 27, 2007

Concentration Camps - Never Again... Think Again

Since I was a young girl I was taught about the Holocaust and the horrors that happened to millions of people and I always wondered why the world sat by and watched. Now, I am afraid that this is happening again and I wasn’t even aware of it and I am fearful to know that I am living in a time where this can once again happen and the world is sitting by watching.

I came across an article last night on titled “Concentration camps hold a million people? Nearly 40 'detention' centers reported in North Korea”. I decided to click on it and read it and heard allegations of Christians being held in concentration camps in North Korea where they were being experimented on and killed. I read of a man being told to feed cabbages to about 50 women and after the women ate the cabbages they began screaming and spitting up blood. They then all died.

The article speaks of people being put in gas chambers while scientists take notes about their death. I finished reading the article and half believing said to myself “nah, this can’t be true”. The article stayed with me and just a while ago I decided to do a google search of “North Korea Concentration Camps” and what followed has got me so confused I do not even know where to begin to process the confusion that is going on in my head.

To my shock I came across many more articles with similar allegations claiming that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il and his late father, Kim Il Sung are portrayed as Gods there and are eliminating Christians in these camps who are viewed as their biggest threats. To my disgust I learned that many of these articles go back years. Years that I was not even aware, years that the world has been sitting by while modern day concentration camps are once again gassing families, performing unspeaking human experimentation on people.

They are killing the babies that are born in the camps. Women are being forced to receive abortions by unlicensed doctors. Children are forced to work from early in the morning until late in the evening with very little, if any, food.

I feel sick. I feel powerless. The only thing I know to do at this very moment is to write this and share it with you. Something needs to be done.

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