Former American Idol and Oscar winner, Jennifer Hudson's home in Chicago is involved in a major homicide investigation. The dead bodies of a man and woman were found inside Hudson's home in Chicago earlier Friday afternoon.
There are reportings that the bodies are that of Miss Hudson's mother, Darnell Donerson and brother Jason. The mother appears to have been killed by a shot to the head, and the brother from a shot in the chest.
There are many rumors circulating as to the cause and suspect(s) but nothing official has been released. There may have been a domestic dispute involving custody of Miss Hudsons nephew, 7-year old Julian King.
The National Center for Missing and Exploted Children says the following the "child [Julian King] was last seen wearing a chocolate brown polo shirt with stripes and tan khaki pants. He is believed to be in the company of William Balfour, driving a white 1994 Chevrolet Suburban with Illinois plate X584859."
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