Saturday, October 25, 2008

Obama Campaign Cut’s Interview When Asked Real Questions

After being given a free pass by the media this election season, Obama's campaign got upset when asked some real questions by WTFV's Barbara West. During an interview with Sen. Joe Biden, West asked real questions that voters want to know, not the BS Obama is the Messiah questions that they have been getting the entire campaign.

Biden decided to take his ball go home and not play with them anymore. Later Obama's campaign called to cancel a scheduled interview with Biden's wife. The Obama ticket is once again reminding everyone that if you want to "score" an interview with them it has to be a nice controlled fake interview. You know, the kind we have been seeing for months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was stupid of Biden to not have a response to the Marxism question. That was NOT a surprising question at all, discussion of spreading-the-wealth has been all over the election coverage since Joe the Plumber. He should have had an answer ready, and he shouldn't have blown her off.

But the other question was a complete WTF on the part of the interviewer. That "So, you think America is over now?" question made no sense whatsoever. It wasn't a hardball question, it was just nonsensical. I think many people's response to being asked something like that would have been "Are you smoking crack?"

That wasn't in any way a real question that voters wanted to know.


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